That being said, border security is a good thing. Sadly, the threats facing this country are more skilled at breaching our borders and port security than what we would like to admit. Simply building a fence will not do, and even though many would not admit it, there are tangible economic benefits derived from the mass influx of illegal immigrants. I'm not saying illegal immigration is right, we should have a guest worker program of some sort. I am saying it is hypocritical to criticize something for political gain while at the same time enjoying the monetary benefits of the arrangement.
Here's an experiment I would like our politicians to try, just once. Go to any forum or meeting of farmers, small business owners and hotel industry executives. Tell them that a new law will be put in place that will make it a federal offense to harbor or employ illegal immigrants. Persons found guilty will have their property or other assets seized. Those confiscated assets will be sold to fund border security programs. See what reaction you get, and then decide what you are going to do about this problem.
Frankly, if we are serious about protecting the Nation, what we need is to select more competent individuals tasked with leading and executing our security efforts. The tragedy of 9-11 happened because our intelligence, immigration, police and airport security services failed miserably. Read the 9-11 Commission Report at In it you will find a whole list of recommendations on how to avoid these kind of disasters in the future. Sadly, political cronyism is still in full effect, and I do not think our leaders have heeded many of the warnings. Some would like to make this a partisan issue, but there are plenty of carpetbaggers on both sides of the aisle.
Until we have a government truly concerned about accountability - which we have not had for the past 40 years - and as a people we begin demanding it, we will not see an improvement. Start by being an informed citizen, and then vote based on the facts. Expect more from elected officials, they are well-fed and paid and should be looking out for All the People, not just their friends. Let them know that you are concerned, here are some links:
- US President:
- US Senate:
- US House of Representatives: