Saturday, October 07, 2006

Opinion: Hypocrites At The Helm

And I'm back. Not that anyone missed me, but what the heck - freedom of speech is worthless without exercise. So let's review the past 9 months in the News:

- Iraq
- Democrats vs. Republicans
- Congressional Scoundrels
- North Korea
- Iran
- Global Warming
- U.S. Automakers Reap What They Sow
- Wildfires In The Western U.S.
- Hollywood Remains Clueless
- The Rise Of The Personal Media Mogul
- Etc, Etc, Etc ...

So, just in time for the elections and another sign that we're going to hell in a handbasket - Mr. Foley, Florida Republican is the latest "Chester the Molester" to be uncovered. Figures - he's the guy that up until last week was in a non-stop crusade to rid the world of pedophiles.

Talk about throwing rocks in a glass house, although the cynic in me wonders whether he was set up. As it turns out, he's one more in a long line of closet gay Republicans, bashing other homosexuals by day while playing the nights away. Makes you wonder what the election will look like this November. As it stands the conservative radio talk show phone lines are buzzing, and the Republican media manipulators can't seem to find an easy way out of this one.

Time to bring Osama out of the freezer ... can't save him for the '08 general election anymore.

As always - tell me what you think.


Anonymous said...

It is wrong for Foley to send IMs to an eighteen year old page but it was all right for a Democrat to have sex with an underage page.

It is wrong for Foley to do what he did--it is. But it is all right for Clinton to rape women and jerk off on Monica's dress.

Go ahead: Censor me. You know you are going to.

Uncommon Sense said...

No censorship, and no - what Clinton did was not right either. This was just the latest sad example, there are way too many others out there. In a previous post, I allude to the severe lack of leadership our Nation faces.