Friday, September 12, 2008

McCain-Palin: Really, no seriously?

You have to give the old man his props, nobody ... and I mean not a single soul predicted Senator McCain's choice for VP. How's that for Maverick Senator? Well, great but ... is he nuts? Open editorial comment - I've been rooting for Senator Obama this time around - however, in and of itself McCain's running partner pick is not what I'm looking for in the Person-Next-In-Line-To-Succeed-The-President.

Ok, so Governor Palin is a bit of a brawler herself, I kinda like that in a woman. I just don't see her taking the reins in the (let's admit it) fairly likely chance that McCain kicks the bucket before his (potential) first term is over. She just is not ready, and if you doubt this just watch the heavily scripted interviews on ABC.

This is not because she is a woman - Senator Elizabeth Dole would have rocked the ticket if he wanted a woman who could also be considered "outside the old-boy network". She has the experience, the reputation and (my opinion) the support of many more folks within the Republican Party. She also has a good level of admiration within the ranks of the Democrats, and has worked accross the aisle on more than one occasion.

So, this might be a brilliant tactical move, as evidenced by the Republican ticket's upsurge in the latest polls. It is a huge strategic mistake, and may cost them the election.

As always, tell me what you think - but keep it clean.

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